Career Opportunities

Dive into our dynamic community hub: from employee articles, event snapshots, to exciting career & freelance opportunities. Join us in the journey of innovation and collaboration!

Shape Your Career with Lexcode

Discover your potential through our career opportunities.


Craft compelling marketing strategies that captivate audiences, ignite brand loyalty, and drive business growth. By turning market trends into powerful narratives, you’ll help execute campaigns that resonate with our target market.

UI/UX Designer

Join our team and create user-friendly interfaces and designs that enhance user experience, blending creativity with functionality in all relevant products and services.

Full Stack Developer

Collaborate with our full-stack team on innovative projects to refine our existing platforms and develop new language solutions, integrating advanced AI with language processing for seamless back-end to front-end integration.

Python Back-end Developer

Innovate with our full-stack team by developing AI-powered language solutions to transform linguistic technology.

Front-end Developer

Apply now to develop dynamic, responsive web applications. Bring UI/UX designs to life with sleek, interactive code that enhances user engagement and contribute to innovate web solutions.